Monday, March 05, 2007

The Mardi Gras Parade and Party

The deal is this:
8pm: A parade goes from the centre of town to the area where they hold the parties. The streets are packed with people watching the parade, it's a bit like the Notting Hill carnival, but not in the daytime.

So then the party kicks off at 10pm and ends at 8am the next day.

Suffice to say I had a stonking hangover on Sunday and ached all over where I had been dancing around like an idiot with the glowsticks - I know, it's mortifyingly 1990's but all good fun.

So Sunday came around and I was feel very delicate. Although it wasn't majorly sunny, we decided to hit the beach as it was hot, so thinking it would be quiet we went to Bondi, thinking everyone else would stay away. We got there early and it wasn't too busy. Anyway, not an hour later but it was glorious blue skies and sunshine. By the time we left it was packed, you couldn't move for towels.

See Bondi for yourself on Google earth, which is so cool, they've just released new pictures of Sydney which are quiet detailed.

See here, you can zoom in, it rocks. Link to Bondi on GoogleMaps