Thursday, March 15, 2007


So, I am just about to leave work for lunch and I get into the hallway where I have to get the lift. And suddenly there's all this whooop-whooop noise. People are milling around waiting for the lifts, completely unconcerned that the fire alarm appears to be going off. So while I weigh up the idea of taking a lift or walking down the stairs it carries on and everyone else is carrying on like this is completely normal. Ummmm.....

I decide I'll take a chance and get the lift and, thank god, I am delivered to the ground floor with further ado.

So I nip off to lunch - across the road from work there's a little food court area where you can get food and sit out in the sunshine. I'm sitting there eating my very very unhealthy bacon and egg roll and all of sudden I'm hearing fire engines - christ the building really was on fire!!!

I'm expecting about a dozen fire engines to come storming by any second, when in fact it was just one, about the size of a mini - and all this 20 minutes after the fire alarm even started..... false alarm anyone???

It appears that on the 14th floor they can't turn the alarm off where it originally started. And they're sending everyone back into the building to get one with the job despite the fact that half the building is left deafened by a continuous wohoop-whooop. Luckily I've got my ipod so all I can hear right now is Blondie.

I wonder if they ever did manage to turn off the alarm....