Monday, April 09, 2007

While I was in Adelaide.....

I went to see the comedian Ronnie Johns doing his impersonation of Chopper Reid, a notorious Aussie killer. It really doesn't sound as funny as it ought to when I put it like that. I think I would have a hard time trying to convince you based on my descriptive efforts. He's not released a DVD of the night yet, maybe he will, but in the meantime I'll attach some links to youtube where there are some of his clips.

Caveat: being in the internet cafe means I can't properly watch the clips before posting them, but given the usual standard, I'd suggest not viewing if you are easily offended by swear words.

Airline Safety:

Weather forecast:

Airport Security:

I didn't just see Chopper though, obviously, I also caught up with my friends there which was nice and I'm back to Adelaide again at the end of the month to see Pink play live, which should also be good. It's going to be a busy week....