Sunday, April 15, 2007

Next weekend...

I'm doing my best to keep the frequent flyer miles up to date, so I'm off to Adelaide next weekend. I'm going to see Pink in concert, which should be good fun, although I've not actually heard that much of her work. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go and buy the album beforehand and listen to it - or wait until afterwards??

But my trip to Adelaide means taking the Monday off work - no big deal (except my boss hasn't agreed to it yet - but duh it's not like he has to pay me, so ummm, hello???) but the other downside is that the Wednesday is Anzac Day which is another day off. It'd be cool if I was getting paid for this ridiculous number of holidays in one month (three, count 'em) but being Miss Contractor I don't get paid, and frankly it sucks.

But I'm looking forward to going back to Adelaide it's pretty there and makes a nice change to the tourist trap of Sydney..... which I know is stupid as I am a tourist as well, but there you go. I am fickle and have double standards. So bite me.