Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Football Mania

There's something going on on the right hand side of Australia right now - it's football mania. Not as we (brits) know it though, no, this type of football *seriously* sorts out the men from the boys. Aussie rules football makes Rugby look like a tea party. It's properly vicious and nasty - it's a wonder that people don't regularly die during/after matches things are that bad. I guess it demonstrates the sturdiness of the human body.

But I digress, this football mania is called 'State of Origin'. Funnily enough, I have no idea where the 'Origin' name originated so I've no idea what it refers to. But the football is a grudge match between New South Wales and Queensland and it appears to have the same kind of following (relatively) to an Arsenal vs Chelsea match. It kicks off tonight, 6.30pm. Where will I be..... in the swimming pool. Likely alone - given the fact that it's all that anyone has talked about all day - they're so excited...... And it goes on a bit as well, not sure how long for - a couple of matches at least.


(However, being a resident of NSW - I want them to win - but christ, I wouldn't want to watch the match. And besides can you imagine the trauma in the office tomorrow if they don't win??)